My Blog

Finding Ways to be Kind, through Service

Three years ago, in March 2020, our schools closed, and our education system changed forever. We went through online classes, hybrid classes, teaching with masks, online health passes, endless Covid tests and then, an apparent return to "normal". However, it quickly...

Teaching Ethical Leadership Workshop

What makes a good leader? This is an important question we often ask students. Since leading a course for Students Shoulder to Shoulder, I have been thinking a lot about Ethical Leadership and how we can teach our students to develop and practice the qualities of an...

Ethical Leadership through Experiential Learning…in Nepal!

This summer I had the incredible opportunity to be a course instructor for a Students Shoulder-to-Shoulder field study to Nepal, and it was one of the most enlightening experiences in my education career: first, for how I much I learned as an educator; second, for how...

Constructing a Culture of Service

Yuval Noah Harari and Lisa Feldman Barrett both write about construction: in Sapiens Harari underlines how culture is a human construct, subject to consistent change, while in 7 1/2 Lessons about the Brain, Feldman tells us that our brain constructs our reality, and...

Just Mercy Social Justice Unit for English class

Watching the news coverage surrounding the death of George Floyd at the end of a very tumultuous school year and then learning more and more about the reality of racism in the USA and the world as the summer opened with Black Lives Matter protests, I felt helpless...

Autocrat Hacks for faster Digital Feedback for AP Lang and Capstone

Full disclosure: before COVID and eLearning, I, despite being an avid user of Google Classroom almost since its inception, still used paper rubrics to give students feedback. I would give comments and suggestions in their Google Docs but I would still circle and...

You’ve donated. You’ve Protested. You’ve self-educated. Now, transform your curriculum.

* I teach at a private school in Mexico with a predominantly Mexican student population with a few students from the USA and a few minority students, mostly from South Korea and India. My ideas for teaching presented here are for these students in mind.  “The...

Educating in the Time of Uncertainty

“How can we prepare ourselves and our children for a world of such unprecedented transformations and radical uncertainties?” - Yuval Noah Harari 21 Lessons for the 21st Century Yuval Noah Harari, in his novel 21 Lessons for the 21st Century does not give us...

TECHO 4.0: Empathy and Compassion Edition

Can empathy and compassion be explicitly taught?  In our fourth iteration of TECHO Week Without Walls at ASFG, I was asking myself that very question as I helped to organize 100 affluent private school students to go out to a marginalized community where people...

Embracing “I don’t know”

With the completion of the school year and coursework for AP Capstone Research being finalized - that magical moment when all the check marks show completed submissions for students’ work -  it’s worth reflecting what it means to take on a new course, and what it...


Today, I had one of those 'my heart will break in a million happy pieces' teaching moments. It started with a conversation with a student in the hallway (as the best teaching moments do). She started a little anecdote about Miguel Ángel, a boy she took to her friend’s...

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TECHO Lessons

TECHO Lessons

Getting back from the TECHO build is like coming back from another world. In fact, it is coming back from another world. Driving home last night and running some errands in my neighbourhood today, I couldn’t stop marveling at the pavement on the roads, yes! even our...

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This weekend I am taking 33 students from ASFG to a community in Tonalá, Jalisco to build 6 TECHO homes for families in need. Wish me luck! TECHO is a nonprofit organization that originated in Chile in 1997 to combat poverty, first by providing people with a basic...

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Jennifer Pike, PsyD

Nisl massa, ultrices vitae ornare sit amet, ultricies eget orci. Sed vitae nulla et justo pellentesque congue nec eu risus. Luctus lectus non quisque turpis bibendum posuere. Morbi tortor nibh, fringilla sed pretium sit amet.

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