Running and Teaching

Running and Teaching

My last blog post was posted right around when I started training for my marathon and it took several months of training and the actual marathon (and recovery weeks!) to finally write a new post that is not coincidentally about running AND teaching. And while the...


Today, I had one of those ‘my heart will break in a million happy pieces’ teaching moments. It started with a conversation with a student in the hallway (as the best teaching moments do). She started a little anecdote about Miguel Ángel, a boy she took to...
It’s all in the details

It’s all in the details

I appreciate and take pride in subtle details, both in life and in teaching. The expression, “it’s all in the details” can be applied to more than just fashion, good food, and hospitality experiences.  For example, the subtle steps in a lesson that lead students to a...
New School Year Goals

New School Year Goals

New year, new blog! Ok, maybe we’re already 3 weeks into the school year; however, most of my Canadian counterparts are starting school this Tuesday so I’m still in the season of a new school year. Teaching is a busy job! Of course, with every year come new year...