TECHO Lessons

TECHO Lessons

Getting back from the TECHO build is like coming back from another world. In fact, it is coming back from another world. Driving home last night and running some errands in my neighbourhood today, I couldn’t stop marveling at the pavement on the roads, yes! even our...


This weekend I am taking 33 students from ASFG to a community in Tonalá, Jalisco to build 6 TECHO homes for families in need. Wish me luck! TECHO is a nonprofit organization that originated in Chile in 1997 to combat poverty, first by providing people with a basic...

I love Google Classroom, but…

I love using Google Classroom. In English class it is ideal for creating project templates with links to various resources; students refer to Classroom whenever they need a certain resource; and, essays are easy to grade with a student list of assignments for me to...